1. Conditions of Hire
    • An application form must be submitted by a representative of a club/group/organisation when requesting the use of the indoor and outdoor facilities at Dorset Centre of Excellence Leisure on a regular basis.
    • The booking time includes time allocated to setting up and taking down the activity. THIS TIME WILL BE CHARGED TO THE HIRER. The hirer should allow for this when submitting the application form.
    • All bookings will be confirmed in writing after receiving the bookings application form and the relevant documentation.
  2. Cancellation
    • Any cancellations of bookings require 31 days’ notice in writing or the full charge will be levied.
    • Dorset Centre of Excellence Leisure (“DCEL)reserves the right to cancel any booking or to close or prohibit the use of the Centre, at its discretion. Any hire charge paid in respect of the booking which has been so cancelled shall be refunded. DCEL shall not be liable for any expenditure incurred or loss sustained directly or indirectly by the Hirer or any person whomsoever arising from any booking so cancelled. DCEL reserves the right to rearrange bookings in order to stage tournaments, competitions or other special events, or in the event of repairs or renovation works being carried out to the Centre or in the event of a civil emergency.
    • Bookings relate to the agreed period of hire only and DCEL cannot guarantee that further continuation bookings will be available.
  3. Charges
    • The charges for the hire of the Centre shall be as fixed by the DCEL from time to time. DCEL reserves the right to vary such charges without prior notice.
    • Payment for hire will be invoiced by DCEL. The Hirer shall pay in full all fees relating to the bookings detailed in an invoice within 14 days of delivery of the invoice to the Hirer and/or in advance of the booking. Any queries relating to the invoice must be raised within 7 working days to the DCEL Manager.
    • Refunds will only be made at the discretion of the DCEL.
  4. Insurance and Indemnity
    • The Hirer shall use the Centre entirely at his/her risk, and the Hirer shall be liable for and indemnify DCEL against any claims, actions, demand, proceedings or costs whatsoever made by any person whomsoever, and arising out of or by reason of or in connection with the hire of the Centre. The Hirer shall, if required by DCEL to do so, insure adequately against the foregoing with an Insurance Company to be approved by DCEL and shall produce sufficient evidence of such Insurance as the DCEL may require, on demand.
    • At the time of booking all clubs hiring the facilities and coaching children are to attach copies of: Public Liability Insurance – All clubs
  5. Damage and Loss
    • In the event of damage to the Centre or damage to or loss of any facility or equipment comprising or contained in the Centre (fair wear and tear excepted) arising out of or by reason of or in connection with the hiring, the Hirer shall pay to DCEL on demand the cost of repairing and making good any such damage and/or replacing any such loss.
    • No animals whatsoever shall be admitted to the Centre without the prior permission of DCEL Manager.
  7. Use of the Centre
    • The Right of the Hirer to use the Centre is not transferable. The Hirer shall use the Centre for the purpose expressed in the booking, and for no other purpose. Clubs/Organisations will not be permitted to sell any goods or food items during their sessions.
  8. Supervision
    The Hirer shall be responsible for:
    a) The administration, organisation and running of the event in relation to the hire. Special arrangements can be made where DCEL can give specific help, but it will not be DCEL’s responsibility to run events for the Hirer.
    b) Supervision and control of spectators, competitors, participants and officials and restricting spectators to those areas designed for their use. Special instructions will be given by DCEL depending on the purpose of the booking.
    c) Ensuring that the Centre (including the changing rooms, showers and toilets) is left in a tidy condition.
    d) Ensuring that all competitors and participants are correctly attired, especially in regard to footwear (light-soled sports shoes in the Hall).
    e) Ensuring that all equipment used complies with any regulations made by DCEL.
    f) Ensuring that there are sufficient stewards and officials to fulfil these Conditions.
  9. Admission
    • DCEL reserves the right to refuse admission to, or evict any person or persons from the Centre, at its absolute discretion. The Hirer shall comply with any instructions given by DCEL.
  10. First Aid
    • If competitions or tournaments are to take place outside ‘normal’ opening hours, the Hirer shall arrange to have a first aid qualified person in attendance.
  11. Structural Alterations
    • The Hirer shall ensure that no alterations whatsoever are carried out to the Centre’s structure and that no apparatus, equipment or decorations be fixed or fixings made therefore without the prior permission of DCEL.
  12. Requests or Instructions
    • The Hirer shall comply with all requests or instructions of DCEL relating to or concerning the hiring.
  13. Contracts (RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES) ACT 1999
    • For the purposes of Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and notwithstanding any other provision of the agreement created by the acceptance of this application, such agreement is not intended to and does not give any person who is not a party to it any right to enforce its provisions. Furthermore, any right of a person other than a party to that agreement may have to enforce the provisions of that agreement which may have been created by implication, may be rescinded or varied by the parties to that agreement without the consent of any such third party.
    Important Information
    DCEL will use your personal information to provide you with the service which you or someone acting on your behalf has asked us to provide. We will also use your personal details for purposes of crime prevention and crime detection and will, if asked, share it with other public bodies for that purpose. The full statement about how we will use your personal details can be seen here.